- What is today 's rate for the dollar? 今天的美元汇率是多少?
- What is today's assignment in history? 历史课今天指定的作业是什么?
- What is today's rate for the dollar ? 今天的美元汇率是多少?
- What is today's rate or the current rate for the dollar ? 美元的当日汇率是多少?
- Yes. What is today's exchange rate between USD and RMB ? 对。今天美元和人民币的兑换率是多少?
- What is today's rate or the current rate for the dollar? 今天的美元汇率是多少?
- What is today's exchange rate between Chinese yuan and American dollars? 我想知道今天人民币和美金汇率是多少?
- What is today's special? 今天的特餐是什么?
- What is today's exchange rate between U.S. Dollars and Chinese yuan? 今天美元和人民币的兑换率是多少?
- What day is today? It's Wednesday. 今天是星期几?今天是星期三。
- Parthia was a region north of Persia in what is today northeastern Iran. 帕提亚是波斯北部的一个地区,今天的伊朗北部。
- What is today's exchange rate for Hong Kong dollar travelers checks? 今天港元旅行支票的兑换率是多少呢?
- Today 's speciality is roast pork chop. 今天的特色菜是烤猪排。
- Shall we order from the menu or get whatever their special is today? 我们从菜单上定菜还是随便吃点他们今天的特别菜?
- At its height, the Khmer Empire covered fully one half of Southeast Asia, encompassing what is today Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and parts of Myanmar. 在最鼎盛时期,高棉王国覆盖了半个东南亚,包括了今天的柬埔寨、挝、国和缅甸的大部分地区。
- These institutions were amalgamated to form what is today known as Museum Victoria. 这些博物馆合并后成为了今天的维多利亚博物馆。
- Amish settlements sprang up in the colonies and territories of Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Indiana as well as in Ontario, in what is today Canada. 亚米希人的新建村落出现在宾士凡尼亚州、俄亥俄州和印第安那州,及现今的加拿大安大略省等殖民区和属地。
- N.'s special rapporteur on torture said. 联合国关于暴力大会的特别报告起草人说。
- Tesla was born on July 10, 1856, to a Serbian family living on the frontier of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, in what is today Croatia. 1856年7月10日,特士拉诞生于一个塞尔维亚家庭,他们住在奥匈帝国边境,现属克罗埃西亚。